拔牙後醫師補充說明 Tooth extraction
(1) 拔牙後請咬緊紗布,一小時後自行取出,若繼續出血可再另咬紗布一小時,如再滲血且血色鮮濃,請與醫師聯絡,若僅為口水略帶血色並不代表凝血問題。
(2) 咬紗布期間,可以冷敷包輕敷住臉部傷口; 請勿吐口水、說話、吸煙,待麻醉葯劑效用消失後始可進食,食物切忌過熱,勿飲酒、劇烈運動或熱水浴。三天內勿游泳。
(3) 拔牙後第一天可能會有輕微發燒、喉嚨痛等現象。應多休息,減少說話,改食軟或流質食物,三天內拔牙傷口及鄰近牙清潔以漱口取代刷牙法。
(4) 拔牙後48至72小時,傷口對應之顏面部可能會有明顯腫脹情形,甚至持續數天,此現像多數為正常生理性反應,通常一星期內會逐漸消腫。若有此情形,24小時內可用冰袋冷敷,每次20分鐘,休息10分鐘後,再繼續冰敷,24小時後改熱敷數天,持續至消腫。
(5) 若腫脹持續擴大(持續一星期以上),無消退跡象,或有持續性發燒、畏寒及出血情形,請速回診檢查。
(6) 若有縫合,一星期後回門診拆線。
After the tooth extraction:
Once the tooth has been pulled, a blood clot usually forms in the socket.
Due to kepping the blood clot in the socket, keep swallowing your saliver instead of spit it.
Dr. Max will pack a gauze pad on the socket and have you bite down on it to help stop the bleeding.
Sometimes Dr. Max will place a few stitches to close the gum edges over the extraction site. Those stiches need to be removed after 7 days.
Cold pack can be used out side the extraction site for a few hours.
If you are instructed to take the medicine, please take them accordingly.
No alchole drinking or swimming for 3 days.