正確刷牙方式 Tooth brushing methods
- 以前的人類壽命只有五六十歲,但是現代人壽命延長,活到100歲是非常有可能的。讓我告訴你,如果你平常就正確保養牙齒的話,在你老死之前保有你所有的牙齒是可能的。請問你全身各種器官中有哪個器官是可以拿來保養的?想一想,只有牙齒而已!所以如果希望到老都有好的牙齒服務你的話就不要懶惰,好好的正確的刷牙吧!
- 牙齒越刷越黃,因為珐瑯質是白色透明的,如果刷牙太用力就將它刷薄或刷掉了,下一層的象牙質的黃就顯現出來, 所以說牙齒會越刷越黃, 因此刷牙力道要輕。
- 刷牙的重點在牙齦; 刷牙其實是將牙齦與牙齒間的牙垢及牙菌斑刷除就可以了, 所以刷牙的方向不能是水平刷 (不能在口內拉小提琴), 要垂直而且是往牙齒生長的方向刷; 也就是上牙往下刷, 下牙往上刷。施輕力道於兩支牙齒間的牙齦, 注意是牙齦喔!
- 早餐飯後刷牙、午餐飯後刷牙, 睡前刷牙; 並使用牙線清潔齒間隙縫。
- 刷牙每次3分鐘, 頰側1分鐘, 舌側2分鐘。
- 每6個月定期檢查牙齒及牙周狀況,並請牙醫師清除牙結石。
- 使用電動牙刷刷牙會更有效率, 它的使用方法如上所述。
- 不同的漱口水會對口腔衛生有幫助, 但不能取代刷牙。
基本上食物所形成的彌狀物大都卡在兩顆牙與牙齦之間,這些彌狀物就變成口腔細菌的培養基,時間一久口腔細菌的數目就增加, 牙周病機會自然也就增加。由有更甚者,吃了含維他命C的水果;這些維他命C的酸就會使牙齒表面的琺琅質變弱,進而變成琺琅質脫鈣;脫鈣次數多了就變成蛀牙。所以說吃了食物之後如果可能就應該趕緊將食物渣所形成的彌狀物刷掉;如果吃了含維他命C的水果更應該趕快刷牙。
The purpose and method of brushing
The previous human life was only fifty or sixty years old, but the life expectancy of modern people is extended, and it is very possible to live to 100 years old. Let me tell you that if you properly maintain your teeth, it is possible to keep all your teeth before you die. Let me ask you, which organ in your body can be used for maintenance? Think about it, only the teeth! If you want to have good teeth to serve you, don’t be lazy, brush your teeth properly!
The more the tooth is brushed, the more yellow it becomes. Because the enamel is white and transparent, if you brush away the enamel or make it becomes thinner, the next layer the dentin will be appeared and it yellow in color; so the teeth will more yellow while you brush your teeth. The brushing strength needs to be very light.
The key point of brushing your teeth is in the gums; brushing your teeth is actually to remove the tartar and plaque between the gums and the teeth, so the direction of brushing cannot be horizontal (not to play the violin in the mouth), instead brush vertically. The direction of brushing is according to the erupting direction: the upper teeth are brushed downward and the lower teeth are brushed upwards. Apply light force to the gums between the two teeth. Pay attention to the gums!
Brush your teeth after breakfast, brush your teeth after lunch, brush your teeth before going to bed; and use floss to clean the gaps the contact between the teeth. Brush your teeth for 3 minutes, 1 minute on the buccal side, and 2 minutes on the lingual side. Regularly check the teeth and periodontal conditions every 6 months by your dentist, and the dentist will remove the calculus for you if there is any. Brushing your teeth with an electric toothbrush is more efficient and its brushing method is the same as described above. Mouthwashes liquid can help with oral hygiene, but they are not a substitute for brushing.
Basically, the rice formed by the food is mostly stuck between two teeth and the gums. These grains become the medium of oral bacteria. The number of oral bacteria increases over time, and the chance of periodontal disease naturally increases. More often, if eat fruits containing vitamin C, the acid from the vitamins C will weaken the enamel on the surface of the teeth, especially the root area which in time will become decalcification of the enamel and cementum. Therefore, after the eating one should brush off the food residue. If you eat fruit containing vitamin C, you should brush away those debris quickly before they attack your tooth structure.